Room Type Updates - SynXis

Room Type Updates - SynXis

  • Property team completes rebuild request form, which is attached to this artile, and submits with a ticket to the Distribution Desk
    • Note all approvals required
    • Room type images & descriptions must be provided from Marketing
Please ensure all information is filled out. If there is information missing then the process will be delayed.
Once submitted: Distribution will provide the implementation date & the new room type code
If there is any information missing in your Room Type Rebuild Workbook the ICH&R Distribution Team will reach out. Please anticipate a follow up with your new room type code (if applicable) and implementation date in the next 2-3 business days.

Distribution: SynXis/HMS/CRM/Duetto
  • create the new room type in SynXis & assign it to all rate codes except those noted in the Room Rebuild Worksheet
  • create the the room type in HMS (it will not be assigned with any rooms yet
  • coordinate with the CRM team to update Cendyn confirmations & E-Upgrade
  • will build new room type in Duetto
Revenue: OTA's/Third Parties/Duetto
  • create new room types on OTA
  • add pricing, min/max bounds & extra person charges in Duetto
Once completed: Distribution will provide an update to prepare for room type change day

Property Team: HMS
  • Ensure all rooms are not blocked for any future dates, are not OOO/OOI and are no manual room holds by 8am EST
Distribution: HMS/Duetto/SunXis
  • assign & update room types to specific room numbers in HMS & ensure new mappings are completed in Liason
  • add inventory to Duetto 
  • process resyncs & ensure inventory is flowing to SynXis
  • map new room type to OTA & process a resync
Revenue Team: SynXis
  • will add linked pricing to all rate plans that include the new room type & make any adjustments needed for existing room types that have shifted inventory counts
*Note: if rooms are not prepared for the HMS update by 8am EST for ANY room then the Onboarding day will need to be rescheduled. No exceptions.