GDS Visibility Check List

GDS Visibility Check List

Travel Agent that can't see our rates? Please see the below information that we will need to troubleshoot. To help obtain this information see below for an example email to be sent to the travel agent. Please note that distribution does not need to be included on the email to the travel agent. 

GDS Visibility Check List:
  1. full Screenshot of what they see when looking up our hotel. 
  2. Rate Plan or Company name
  3. What's the specific arrival and departure dates? 
  4. What is the Rate Access Code the TA is using? 
    1. or PCC 
  5. What GDS are they shopping on? 
    1. Amadeus
    2. Apollo
    3. Galileo
    4. Sabre/Abacus
    5. Worldspan

Example Communication to Travel Agent: 


Thank you for reaching out regarding a visibility issue. For us to best troubleshoot could you kindly confirm the below:
  1.  What arrival/departure dates were you searching?
  2.  What RAC were you using?
    1. Did you use a PCC when searching?
  3. Which GDS did you experience issues with?
In addition could you please provide a full screenshot from your search?

Thank you,