Creating a Direct Link

Creating a Direct Link

iHotelier offers the ability to create a unique URL or a Direct Link for clients and customers. 

What's Needed: 

  1. Rate Plans Channel must have: "Web and Mobile or Mobile Only"
    1. Located in Rate Plan > Merchandising
  2. Rate Access Code 
    1. Most non public Rate Plans should have a RAC (Rate Access Code) 
      1. If a RAC needs to be added or modified please submit a ticket via ICH&R Distribution Desk

How to: Create a unique URL

Manage Rates & Availability > Rates and Inventory > Manage Rates > Rate Plan
1. Identify the rate plan you'd like to generate the link for (Example: Amazon)
2. Click into Rate Plan
3. Rate Information > Rate Direct URL > Copy

3. Example of copied link: 

4. At the end of the copied link add "&identifier=xxxxx "
    1. Identifier = Rate Access Code (AMAZON)

Verify & Confirm

To verify we can see the Corporates Code auto fill once we click the link to the Booking Engine.